189 Woodham Lane, New Haw, Surrey. KT15 3NN
How massage works
Skilled hands work intuitively on muscles, tendons, facia and other soft tissues to promote healing. Using various techniques and pressures, The treatment will stimulate circulation of blood and lymph, break down fibrosis that binds or glues one muscle to another and relax muscle spasm and relieve pain.
By reducing tension in the muscles, soreness and fatigue will be reduced, muscles will be more supple and resilient, flexibility can be increased, body awareness enhanced and overall metabolism and nutrition for repair and growth improved.
Who can it help?
Almost everybody would benefit from massage. Whether you are a busy executive with work stress that creates tension in the neck, shoulders and perhaps headaches, or even if you are sitting or driving all day, and postural tension is making your low back ache. If you are an active sports person who wants to improve performance, fine tune skilled movements, treat a strain injury or even prevent injuries - everyone could benefit and enjoy the feeling of well-being that a professional massage can bring.
What Massages are offered?
Our Therapists specialise in different massage therapies
Pregnancy Massage
Sports Massage
Hot Stones Massage
Indian Head Massage
Relaxing Massage
Deep Tissue Massage
Feet and Legs Massage
For Appointments Contact Us